Does Your Child Need A Lawyer In A Divorce?



Most family lawyers observe that a divorcing couple’s competing desires do not always represent their children’s best interests. But children’s best interests are of utmost concern in the state of Colorado’s eyes, ensuring they are more relevant than one parent’s needs.

Guardian Ad LitemEither or both parents should understand at this stage that their child needs a legal advocate who will fight to protect their future too. This legal representative of a child is known as the guardian ad litem. You can provide for your child’s best interests by hiring an experienced divorce lawyer in Colorado Springs. Or you can find another licensed professional experienced in guardian ad litem appointments to always keep the child’s interests well protected.



Due to the reality that children in Colorado are not allowed to make legally binding contracts, attorneys involved in a divorce case are in no way obligated to oblige with a child’s stated desires. Therefore, it important to have a children’s attorney fighting for the child’s needs and wants. A children’s attorney will use his judgment to determine what is actually in the child’s best interests. It is important to note that in divorce court, a child’s advocate cannot be named as a witness.

In the case of the costs of a child advocate’s appointment, the court will try to distribute the expense between the divorce parties. However, if this is not possible, the costs associated with this action will be paid by financial responsibility will be placed upon Colorado’s state. Furthermore, if the government names the child’s attorney as the ‘Guardian Ad Litem‘ (GAL), the explanation cannot merely be that the divorcing parties are unwilling to speak to each other.

Seek the counsel of a highly experienced Colorado Springs family lawyer when you determine the right plan of action for your children’s future and well being.


Moran & Associates Family Law in Colorado Springs understands the importance of protecting children in a divorce. If you have any questions concerning the need for legal representation for your child, contact our family law experts today for a free consultation.