A Civil Harassment Restraining Order is protection against harassment in domestic violence and divorce proceedings. Violating a restraining order can have severe consequences and can affect your life.
Criminal harassment laws are a response to increasing violence against women, especially women who leave a marriage or intimate relationship. For this reason, domestic violence laws usually deal with a threat of harassment in addition to physical assault.
In general, these acts are more about power over the victim than sex. All forms of domestic violence enjoy the same protection, including injunctions preventing further contact and the right to bring criminal charges against the former husband or wife.
A Colorado Civil Protection Order is a legal court order issued by a Colorado judge that forces the defendant to stop the harassment, or be subjected to serious legal consequences for violating the order.
These are court orders that help protect people like you from domestic violence, stalking, and other domestic violence and harassment forms.
They can help in various ways to provide you the safety and security needed during contentious divorce or separation proceedings.
If your spouse or partner behaves in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, talk to a divorce lawyer immediately. Ensure your divorce lawyer has experience filing harassment charges against soon to be ex-spouses or partners in a divorce or separation situation.
If you believe you have been harassed, threatened, or you are facing any form of domestic violence, abuse in your divorce proceedings, contact your attorney immediately.
An experienced civil harassment restraining order attorney will quickly notify the police and guide you through the court paperwork to get a restraining order against your antagonist.
Remember to please seek professional help immediately. You can apply for a restraining order against your spouse to stop the harassment.
To obtain a restraining order, you must prove to the court in an emergency hearing that you are the stalking victim.
If the court decides that your abuser’s conduct constitutes harassment, it must consider whether a reasonable person with the same information as the abuser would have regarded it as harassment.
The court may issue a preliminary injunction for domestic violence or stalking based on the defendant’s criminal history, who has prosecuted or threatened another person, and his criminal record.
The court will waive the $85 filing fee to issue a restraining order against a person who has harassed or stalked you if you are the victim of stalking, sexual assault, unlawful sexual contact, or domestic abuse. If you face a person capable of stalking, harassment, or worse, you may need someone at your side to help you resolve your issue.
If you have applied for a temporary restraining order in Colorado, you can contact a harassment attorney in Colorado Springs to enforce a protective order.
We can help you to obtain injunctions, enforce protective orders or make harassment claims. If you are harassed or have concerns about sexual assault during marriage or divorce, contact Moran & Associates Family Law without delay. We can get the injunctions needed to stop all types of harassment, such as domestic violence or stalking.
The typical punishment we see most often for violating a restraining order is a criminal contempt charge. If the defendant named in a civil harassment restraining order violates the terms of the order, he or she can be charged with contempt, which can carry a penalty of up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $1,000.
Often, the penalties associated with a restraining order violation is all that is needed to end the harassment and abuse in your divorce.
No, a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) is straightforward to get. That’s something you should keep in mind in any domestic quarrel.
If you are currently in a divorce or have been arrested in Colorado for harassment, your attorney can help you possibly avoid a greater domestic violence charge. If you are arrested in Colorado on any harassment charge, please contact an experienced domestic violence criminal lawyer.
Anyone accused of harassment should contact a lawyer, get to know the laws surrounding the charge, and understand what kind of conduct has led to charges. And avoid violating the terms outlined in the protection order.
The restraining order prohibits any contact with the other spouse and requires the offender to cease any further harassment. If the police believe that a spouse or partner is not obeying a restraining order, they can be arrested and charged with a crime.
Colorado has very harsh penalties for failure to obey a civil harassment restraining order, and your tormentor could face a host of domestic violence charges, including stalking if he or she does not comply with the protection order.
The restraining order prohibits any contact with the other spouse and requires the offender to cease any further harassment. If police believe that a spouse or partner is not obeying a restraining order, they can be arrested and charged with a crime.
Colorado has very harsh penalties for failure to obey a civil harassment restraining order, and your tormentor could face a host of domestic violence charges including stalking if he or she does not comply with the protection order.