Protection orders serve as a shield for those threatened with harm and must be personally served upon the defendant. They legally restrict an individual’s actions to ensure the safety of another person. Dealing with protection orders can be challenging and confusing. Our expert Colorado Springs protection order lawyers are ready to guide you through every step.


Colorado Springs protection order form

Protection orders are a crucial shield designed to provide safety for individuals facing threats or harm. This legal tool is the first step toward maintaining personal security and navigating the complex procedures that ensure its proper implementation.


Emergency Protection Orders (EPO)

Law enforcement issues these immediately when they believe someone is in immediate danger. A EPO typically lasts just a few days, giving the protected person time to seek a longer-term solution against the restrained party in the legal system.

Temporary Restraining Orders (TRO): 

A TRO aims to obtain a temporary restraining order to provide quick protection when a person feels unsafe. Its expiration date is usually about two weeks until a hearing can determine if a permanent protection order is necessary.

Permanent Restraining Order (PPO): 

As the name suggests, permanent protection orders (PPO) offer long-lasting protection and do not expire. They can keep the restrained party away from victims’ homes, workplaces, and frequented public areas indefinitely. Under Colorado law, a scheduled permanent order hearing must be set to review the charges.

Domestic Violence Restraining Order: 

These are specifically designed to protect victims of family violence, domestic abuse, and intimate partner violence from their abusers.

No Contact Orders: 

These civil restraining court orders bar communication between the restrained and victim parties. This includes direct physical contact, phone calls, emails, or messages through third parties.

Civil Protection Orders: 

It is aimed at preventing harassment, stalking, or emotional abuse outside domestic relations. The court issues these after considering evidence of such threats to personal safety.

Stalking Protection Orders: 

This court order is tailored to individuals who face persistent stalking behavior that instills fear or compromises their privacy and freedom of movement.


Temporary restraining orders serve as an urgent shield, while permanent restraining orders establish ongoing boundaries. As we navigate the intricacies of obtaining these legal safeguards, let’s explore the specific roles of protection order lawyers in Colorado Springs.

Understanding the distinction between temporary and permanent protective order is crucial for those seeking legal protection or those defending against such orders within the court system.

Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)

  • Purpose: The primary goal of a temporary order is to provide immediate protection to the petitioner (the person seeking protection) from the respondent (the person from whom they seek protection). With no proof required, a TRO is often issued in emergency situations where there is an immediate threat to the safety or well-being of the petitioner.

  • Duration: A TRO is a short-term court order and typically lasts until the permanent court hearing, which is usually within a few weeks. The exact duration can vary by jurisdiction but is often between 20 to 30 days.

  • Issuance Process: A TRO can be issued without the respondent being in court (ex parte), and with no proof required. This means the judge can grant a TRO based solely on the petitioner’s statement and any evidence they provide.

  • Legal Requirements: The requirements for obtaining a TRO vary by jurisdiction but generally include demonstrating to the court that the petitioner is in immediate danger and needs protection.

  • Effectiveness: TRO’s are effective immediately upon issuance. They can include various provisions, such as prohibiting the respondent from contacting or coming near the petitioner, their home, workplace, or other specified locations.

Permanent Restraining Orders (PRO)

  • Purpose: A PRO is intended to provide long-term protection to the petitioner after the immediate threat has been addressed. It is issued after a court hearing in which both the petitioner and the respondent can present their case.

  • Duration: PRO’s can last several years, depending on the jurisdiction and the case specifics. In some cases, they can be made permanent, with no expiration date, or may be renewed by the petitioner.

  • Issuance Process: Unlike TRO’s, PRO’s require a formal court hearing. Both parties are given notice of the hearing and have the opportunity to present evidence, witness testimony, and argue their case before a judge.

  • Legal Requirements: To obtain a PRO, the petitioner must prove that the respondent poses a continuing threat to their safety or well-being. The standard of proof and specific requirements vary by jurisdiction.

  • Effectiveness: PRO’s can include broader and more permanent provisions than TRO’s, such as long-term no-contact orders, custody and visitation restrictions (in domestic cases), and mandatory counseling for the respondent.


Experienced protection order lawyers in Colorado Springs are vigilant guardians for those seeking relief through legal channels, whether enforcing boundaries against aggressors or ensuring fair treatment when faced with allegations.

They precisely navigate the complexities of restraining orders, providing a shield for rights and safety in tumultuous situations.

Helping Protect You & Your Loved Ones

Colorado Springs Protection order lawyers stand as a shield between you and harm, ensuring that abusive partners or family members cannot continue their threatening behavior. With deep knowledge of the laws governing Colorado Springs protection order and restraining orders, our dedicated attorneys navigate El Paso County’s legal complexities to safeguard your safety and rights.

Our law firm’s compassionate approach provides hope for those affected by spousal abuse or other domestic violence issues, offering empathetic guidance every step of the way. Having a skilled lawyer by your side can make all the difference in securing child custody arrangements that prioritize child safety while challenging any unjust allegations against you in the legal system and preventing any criminal penalties.

Our legal team will work tirelessly to ensure that temporary restraining orders are enforced and permanent solutions are sought afterwards. You can trust Moran, Allen & Associates to employ strategies aimed not at winning your case and protecting your future.

Moving on from this crucial support system, it’s essential also to understand how self-representation could influence your case when defending yourself against protective orders.

Defending Against Protective Orders

While a lawyer can help protect you and your loved ones, there are times when you might need to defend yourself against a protection order. If someone files a restraining order against you, it’s critical to take immediate action to get the order dismissed.

Protection orders can seriously impact your life, restricting where you can go and who you can contact. It could even affect child custody decisions in divorce proceedings.

Taking the proper steps is essential for defending yourself. You should respect all terms of the temporary restraining order while preparing your defense; violating these terms could worsen your situation and prevent you from getting the order dismissed.


Navigating the legalities of obtaining a restraining order in Colorado Springs can be complex, but it’s crucial for the safety and well-being of individuals facing threats or harm. By understanding the specific steps involved in this critical process, residents can effectively seek the protection they need under the law.

Who Is Allowed to Get a Protection Order?

Domestic violence victims, stalking, or sexual assault victims can seek a protection order for their safety. This legal action also extends to those exposed to physical threats or harm and includes older people, and at-risk adults who may be experiencing abuse. If you’re feeling threatened or in danger, you have the right to file for this order of protection.

The court will issue mandatory protection orders restraining an accused person from further contact with any victim or witness involved in criminal charges against them. These orders ensure that victims are not subjected to harassment, intimidation, retaliatory actions, or interference during ongoing legal proceedings..

How to File A Protection Order

Filing a protection order in Colorado Springs safeguards individuals from harm. A restraining order legally prevents the offender from contacting person who feels to be imminent danger and in specific circumstances requires the restrained party to maintain a certain distance from the victim.

  • Identify the need for a protection order—whether due to physical assault, threats, or harassment.

  • Gather evidence supporting your claim, including police reports, photographs of injuries, or witness statements.

  • Consult with a specialized firm like Moran, Allen & Associates to discuss your situation and legal options.

  • Complete the necessary paperwork. Provide detailed information about the incident(s) and personal details as required.

  • File your application at the appropriate courthouse. Court staff can guide you on where and how to submit your documents.

  • Attend the hearing. The court will set a date when both parties can present their case regarding the temporary restraining order.

  • Present evidence and testimony during the hearing to support the need for the protection order.

  • Ensure you obtain official copies of the restraining order for your records and safety if granted.

  • Follow all guidelines your protection order lawyers provides once an order is in place.


For military members, a protection order involves facing unique challenges. These orders can strip them of certain military privileges and alter their professional trajectory.

– A protection order against a service member may result in severe consequences, such as mandatory firearms surrender under the Brady Bill. This surrender could disqualify them from fulfilling roles that require the use of weapons.

– Receiving a restraining order might trigger an investigation by military authorities, leading to disciplinary action or even discharge from service, jeopardizing their career and future.

– Military personnel could lose security clearances vital for their duties if implicated by protective orders, disrupting their ability to perform in classified or sensitive roles.

– Protection orders can limit access to military bases for those who serve, complicating work schedules and family visitation arrangements.

– With a restraining order on record, obtaining official documents like passports becomes more complex for military members. Restricted travel hinders participation in specific operations or training abroad.

– Restrictions placed by protective orders often mean changes to housing situations which prove disruptive. Service members may have to arrange alternative accommodations swiftly without impacting their duty readiness.

– Challenges continue into civilian life where criminal records stemming from violations of protective orders hinder opportunities such as employment prospects after serving.

Military personnel must handle every aspect of a protection order meticulously due to its potential ripple effects across personal life and service duties.

No Contact Agreements

Protection orders and no contact agreements are two legal instruments utilized to prevent harassment, threats, and violence, serving as crucial tools for safeguarding individuals’ safety and well-being. While both aim to restrict unwanted contact or behavior, they differ significantly in their legal standing, enforcement mechanisms, and implications.

No contact agreements are less formal than restraining orders and are often used in situations where the involved parties agree upon the need for separation without the court’s intervention. These agreements are typically utilized in settings like workplaces or academic institutions, laying out terms under which the individuals agree not to communicate or approach each other.

While no contact agreements can provide a sense of security, they do not carry the same legal weight as restraining orders. The enforcement of these agreements largely depends on the policies of the institution or organization involved. Violations might lead to internal disciplinary actions, but they do not carry criminal penalties unless they also violate a separate law or order.


Violating a protection order is not a simple misstep; it’s an offense that carries severe penalties. If someone disobeys these boundaries, they can face criminal charges that might result in serious consequences such as jail time or hefty fines.

The local courts take Such a situation seriously as they compromise the safety of those the orders protect. Legal penalties depend on the nature and frequency of violations, but one thing remains consistent: breaking a protection order undermines its very purpose and exposes offenders to legal action.

A person accused of violating a restraining order should seek immediate legal advice from a law firm with an experienced civil protection order lawyer. These lawyers understand that sometimes allegations can be based on misunderstandings or false claims and will provide necessary guidance in crafting a robust defense strategy.

They assess each situation with empathy and expertise, exploring options like challenging the validity of the original order or proving a lack of intent to violate its terms.

With the help of a criminal defense attorney, defendants navigate through complex laws while exercising rights such as ‘the right to remain silent’ during interrogations and court proceedings—an essential step towards preventing self-incrimination.

After discussing violations and legal defenses, it’s crucial to recognize why skilled legal representation matters for anyone involved with protection orders.


Navigating the complexities of protection orders requires expert guidance; a Protection Order Lawyer in Colorado Springs becomes your advocate, ensuring your rights are upheld and your voice heard. The legal terrain can be treacherous without seasoned counsel to steer you through hearings, filings, and potential criminal implications, especially when fighting a protection order.

How Our Protection Order Lawyers Can Help

Our law firm provides the best protection order lawyers Colorado Springs offers, bringing knowledge, strategy, and legal protections to your case. Our attorneys easily navigate the criminal, civil, and family law legal system and courts, ensuring your voice is heard.

Whether you’re seeking restraining orders for safety or facing accusations yourself, An experienced lawyer offer expert guidance every step of the way.

Hiring a top Colorado Springs lawyer specialized in protection orders will provide security and peace of mind against criminal charges. If you’re a protected person filing a protection order, they assist in preparing necessary documents accurately and swiftly, ensuring deadlines are met and rights are protected.

And if you need defense against criminal charges, they’ll provide the legal representation you need by scrutinizing all details meticulously to build a strong case aimed at preserving your freedom and reputation.


When facing allegations that could lead to a permanent restraining order, securing the services of an experienced protection order lawyer in Colorado Springs becomes crucial. In the realm of criminal defense, especially in cases of domestic abuse or sexual assault, the stakes are significantly high.

Engaging a law firm specializing in family law restraining order cases and criminal defense offers a strategic advantage. We understand all the variables in the complex legal landscape where family law cases intersect with criminal allegations. An experienced protection order attorney not only brings expertise in managing cases involving domestic and sexual assault but also provides a tailored approach considering the unique aspects of each case.

The legal journey ahead can be daunting for individuals accused of actions leading to a protective order. However, many law firms in Colorado Springs offer a free consultation to discuss the specifics of your case. This initial meeting is an invaluable opportunity to explore your legal options and understand how the law applies to your situation. A free consultation also allows you to gauge the expertise of the law firm and its lawyers, ensuring they have the necessary experience to navigate the complexities of your case.

A protective order can significantly impact one’s life, affecting personal freedom and employment opportunities. It’s not just about the immediate legal battle; it’s about protecting your future. Thus, the importance of an experienced protection orders attorney cannot be overstated. They play a pivotal role in presenting a defense that accurately represents your side of the story, aiming to mitigate the consequences of a protective order or challenge its issuance altogether.

Moreover, in circumstances where the protective order stems from allegations of domestic or sexual misconduct, the lawyer’s role extends beyond the courtroom. They provide guidance and support throughout the legal process, ensuring that the rights of the accused are upheld while navigating the sensitive nature of such allegations.

Moran, Allen & Associates Family Law has handled hundreds of protection order cases over the years and offers a complementary consultation to assess your case. Call our office today to setup a free consultation to learn how we can help you.