Colorado Child Support Orders

What Is A Colorado Child Support Agreement?


A child support agreement is a legal document drawn up by the custodial parent and their child support attorney to show the amount of child support paid by the non-custodial parent. This Agreement enables the parents to change an existing child support agreement or create a new child support agreement to reflect their current financial situation.

Colorado Child SupportChild support is based on a mathematical average that weighs both parents’ actual income and the amount of time each parent would spend caring for them. The amount of child support varies from state to state and country to country and can take several forms. It can also consider any bonuses that the custodial parent may earn and any additional allowances awarded to the custodial parent by the court.

To draw up a child support agreement in Colorado, parents must abide by the rules outlined in Article 13 of the Colorado child support Laws. These laws outline what can be included and what cannot be included in a child support agreement. Parenting rights are defined in the child support laws to protect the interest of the child. There are certain aspects of child support that the court may require the custodial and non-custodial parents to follow. If either party does not follow these guidelines, then they may be required to pay fines.

The court can issue a child support order that requires one party to pay child support or work out a payment plan that considers the income of each parent and any other factors. A child support agreement is used to ensure that the other parent pays child support based on an arrangement that was arrived at in the child’s best interests.

Child support agreements can be contested if there are inconsistencies in the information provided by the parent. An experienced child custody attorney can file all the paperwork with the court and try to get an order changed.

Can You Register A Colorado Child Support Order?


Yes, a child support order can be registered in Colorado at the Family Support Registry. This can be done yourself, but it’s recommended that you have an experienced of child support lawyers who have established relationships with many of these same resources.

You can search online for these professionals and get their information without paying them a fee for their services. Once you have this information, you can then begin to compare them to your own needs and fill out your child support or alimony forms accordingly. But how do you find the child support registry?

The state of Colorado has an official website where you can go and enter all of your information. This includes your name, address, phone number, employer, and any other information that will be required when you file a child support or alimony application with the court.

However, it is essential to realize that many child support applications are automatically submitted to the court, regardless of whether you requested it or not. Suppose you wish to avoid having to fill out these automatic submissions. In that case, you can always go online to the Colorado child support registry and request that your information be submitted there.

Remember, once you go online to the Colorado child support registry, it is only good while you are on the site, and you cannot then make any changes to it. If you wish to submit an application for child or spousal support or any other legal document type, you will need to submit this to the court directly. If you submit this electronically, it is good while you are on the site but cannot then change your information later.

Once you have filled out your child support application and submitted it to the court, you can go online to the child support registry and submit your application from there.

What If Child Support Isn't Paid As Ordered?


Colorado is a state known for the scenic beauty of its landscape and spectacular mountain ranges; it also has many laws that help with child support enforcement. Colorado has two child support enforcement divisions, the Office of Child Support and the Office of the Attorney General.

Colorado Office of Attorney GeneralBoth of these offices have a specific mandate; to seek out the child’s best interest or children in question. This means that they are required to look at the parents’ financial circumstances and the non-custodial parent. They are also needed to work with the custodial parent if possible to find an agreeable solution to both parties. Many times this can mean some modified payments or other arrangements that benefit the custodial parent.

The Office of the Attorney General has several ways to go about seeking to enforce child support collections. There are two primary ways that the office can enforce child support, they can execute a child assistance plan or a judicial recovery program.

The state of Colorado first seeks to find the child support provider by requesting the information directly from the non-custodial parent. If these are unsuccessful, then the office will pursue the case in small claims court. In either court, the parents must attempt to prove that they cannot afford the amount of child support, or a judge will order that payments be decreased or stopped altogether.

Often, the non-custodial parents will request assistance from an attorney who is skilled in child support law so that they do not lose any rights to enforce child support in Colorado.

Another way that the Office of the Attorney General pursues child support collection is by sending letters to those companies or individuals involved in sending payments to the custodial parent. These letters ask for verification of the reported income of the non-custodial parent.

In these letters, the Office of the Attorney General will inform the company or person that is sending payments that they must report the correct income of the non-custodial parent. Failure to do so can result in fines and possible jail time. There are many reasons that a child support collection may be pursued, but most often, it is to ensure that the child support payments are made on time.

Often, the Office of the Attorney General will seek to have the non-custodial parent’s driver’s license suspended, or in some cases, they may even seek to have a child support order thrown out.